Products & Services -
Seminars are arranged from time to time on relevant issues, typically those that have an impact on and/or influences young people during their developing years. This is done to inform and equip the community and the broader society. In these seminars Youth@HEART utilises speakers from organisations that specialise in their respective fields. Previous seminar speakers were, amongst others, sourced from: - New Birth Crisis Pregnancy Clinic
- The Rape Crisis Centre
- The School for Pregnant Woman
- SA Narcotics Bureau
- Riverfield Lodge
- Staanvas Centre for Substance Abuse
- Depression & Anxiety Support Group
- Paramedics
- Psychiatrist – Dr Louis Kroon
- Psychologists – Mr Willie Jooste; Dr Callie Hugo
- Paramedic – Chaplin Mark Shardellow
Topics covered in seminars include: - Depression and Suicide
- Child Abuse
- Sexuality (Teenage Pregnancy)
- Marriage Enrichment
- Counselling Youths