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Exam Stress PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 26 May 2009


How do you handle stress during exam time?


Create a pleasant atmosphere of understading and support.


When our children are in their times of exams, it is important that we as parents and family create and support an atmosphere where they can prepare for the times ahead. This is where the parents support is of utmost importance. Help in creating subject summaries, or just asking if we are able to help in the learning of the subject. We have to understand that the process of becoming self-sufficient is a process that applies from birth to adulthood. Every child differs in the time that it takes to become self-sufficient. If it happens too soon, it is then usually only noticed too late when the child's results start to show that there are problems. Our support and help during the exam period will only encourage them to want to do better.


Children have to discover their own potential as well, and then systematically try to better themselves. Academics are a lot like athletics, you run against your "personal best". We have to keep in mind that each year's work is usually a bit harder than the previous year's, and therefore it is already an achievement if more-or-less the same results are achieved than the previous year.


Healthy relaxation during the exam period is also very important, and breaking away from the books gets the brain fresh again. Some exercise is good and relaxation to get their minds of the work is also very healthy. Let's create a pleasant atmosphere for our children and not put extra pressure on them to achieve more. We realise that the competition is great out there, but when the children experience extra pressure from the parents, it isn't quite fair on the child that is already trying to achieve their best.




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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 26 May 2009 )

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