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Teacher Education PDF Print E-mail



In general, you will agree with me that teachers often spend more time with the children than most parents do. For this reason, teachers will notice a behavioral change much quicker, for example, decline in academic achievement1, lack of concentration, attitude and behavioral change and even symptoms of substance abuse, abuse etcetera.


We still find an increase in substance abuse, sexual activity and experimenting, depression, suicide attempts and children that are traumatized, as a result of the exposure that they receive, for example parent that divorce, exposure to crimes such as break-ins, armed robberies, rape, murder and even the death of a close relative - parents, brother, sister, friend, etcetera. 


  1. Structural Brake Down

    In the past there were structures that could assist the youth in such times. The structures are busy disintegrating:

    • One out of two thirds of parent are getting divorces;
    • 70% of all youths aren't involved in any church environment.


  2. Councelling For The Youths In Crisis

    During the past 34 years I have devoted my life to the youth, to assist them in their time of crisis free of charge. The past 12 years, I have tried to get people (professional and non-professional), that are responsible for the development and education of the youth, trained to have better understanding of the youth, as well as knowledge and skills to be able to better assist the youth in crisis.


    Of the approximately 600 people that I have already trained, have an educational background (including school psychologists, principles and vice-principles), all which have been very positive about the training. From these, a lot have been keeping in regular contact since then.


    As time went on, the course in youth counseling2 has been adapted with new aspects and information. Because of this we have decided, in conjunction with the course, to provide continuous training via the internet, for those who have already successfully completed the course.


  3. Youth at HEART Development - The Next Step!

    In 2008 Youth at HEART Development had already been able to assist the community, the youth, organizations and institutions (like schools, tertiary and churches) for nine years with youth development, counseling and cross-cultural relations building. We have also been considering how we can do even more to assist the youth in their times of crisis.


    For this reason, if we can train only 5 teachers per school, and they would be able assist only 100 learners per year, then we calculate that we would be able to assist approximately 27 million3 youths in South Africa over the next 10 years!


  4. Continuing Education

    To assist the training, we have created the website: www.heart.org.za , on which a "blog" will appear for continuing education and training. For a minimal amount per month, we are aiming initially for every second week, to supply new information, additional materials, as well as the latest laws and regulations regarding counseling at schools. 



We have realized that quite a few teachers are unable to attend the training due to monetary constraints, and for that reason we have decided to approach the business sector in and around the school's district to see if they wont subsidize the schools. I trust that, with your assistance, we would be able to assist more of the youth by discovering their problems earlier and then be able to assist them in a responsible manner during their crisis's.


If the business sector was able to assist the schools in their immediate vicinity and then be able to subsidize the teachers from these schools, we would be able to make a difference in the life of youth's country wide. And with the structuring of professionals in the school's surrounding area, so that the youth are able to get professional assistance much earlier, we would be able to make a significant difference in the community. Here is where the local churches would be able to assist us in a big way by bringing us in contact with the business sector, the schools and the professional people.


  1. According to statistics it is estimated that of the 1.5 million learners that start grade 1 each year, only 850'000 finish matric!
  2. Advanced Course in Counselling Youth in Crisis (ISBN 0-9584637-2-7)
  3. Based on a survey of 5'585 high schools. If primary schools were to be included, the figure could rise to over 50 million!


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