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Youth Leaders Development
 The Youth Leaders Development course was launched in 1998, named INTO 2000, to equip youth leaders with the necessary skills to do youth development. In 2000, the INTO 2000 course was revised and re-launched as the Youth@HEART Youth Leaders Development course. This one-year part-time course is based on experience in the field of youth leader's development since 1974, gained in both part-time and full-time capacities in both religious and non-religious institutions.
 Training the youth! Youth@HEART Youth Leaders Development course focuses on life skills for the youth leader, i.e. building interpersonal and cross-cultural relationships, leadership, management, communication and counselling skills. It equips youth leaders to develop the youth entrusted to them by their society (school, church, organisation and/or business). The course is a practical course and the youth leaders are placed in situations where they learn specific skills. (A short marketing video is available)
The Youth Leaders Development course has been presented in Pretoria, Kimberley, Newcastle, Pietersburg and Vanderbijlpark. Some youth leaders who completed the training, were trained as trainers, and have presented the course in Germiston and Kriel. They are now presenting the course on our behalf in Pretoria. Trainers are also available in Kimberley, New Castle, and Tombourke (Ellisras).
Since 2000, several neighbouring countries like the United Kingdom, Namibia, Congo and Kenya, where they are facing similar needs, approached Youth@HEART regarding youth leadership development training.
We are also investigating the possibility of DVD’s and other electronic media in training and development.  One on One Training
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