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Advanced Course in Counselling Youth Special Offer

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Course In Counselling Youth - Special Offer PDF Print E-mail

Over the past 15 years I have had the privilege to present courses focussed on youth development and the counselling of youth in crisis. People that have the youth at heart from various institutions such as churches, schools and tertiary institutions, have attended these courses, including the 4th year students of the  Dept. of Education at the University of Pretoria. This course has been part of the Auckland Park Theological Seminary since 1999, (ATS is currently in contract with the University of the North West, in Potchefstroom). ATS thus accredits the course. This course has been presented all over South Africa and also in Namibia in 2009 and the UAE in October 2010.

As the youth are very close to my heart- youth at HEART-  it is vital important that people that have a responsibility in youth development and counselling, professional and non professional, are trained and equipped with skills to understand the youth of today, to be able to make a correct diagnosis and to assist the youth in their crisis to ensure that these initial crises do not result in secondary crises such as substance abuse, sexual misbehaviour, depression, suicide, eating disorders, etc. In the course I also teach people to have a better understanding of chemical imbalances such as depression, ADD/ADHD, as well as trauma and the terminal ill. As it is a practical course, – skills training – it can only be presented in a contact session.

To assist churches and schools I am willing to present the course at almost a 75% discount, R300, including the material. They will however not receive the accreditation of the college. Those who do want the accreditation of the college will have to pay the full amount of R1250. This is a once off offer, due to the recession and its after effects. Please ensure that your registration and payment was done before or on the due date.


The course can be presented anywhere in South Africa, pending on the quantity of attendants (12 in Gauteng to 24 on the coast). We start on a Friday morning at 08h00 until not later than 18h00 and on the Saturday from 08h00 until not later than 16h00.

You are welcome to forward this note to other interested parties.

For more information on Youth at HEART Development, contact me at +27(0)-82-654-3275 or after hours at +27(0)-12-460-5609.

Yours truly,

Willem Semmelink

Executive Director - Youth@HEART


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