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5 Bedroom, 3.5 Bathroom, Study, 3 living areas, swimming pool, Jacuzzi & 3 Bedroom Flat all within 1km of University of Pretoria in security area - Ideal as Embassy

  • To Let: Available 1st January 2015 - R37'500/m
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Introducing Youth@Heart PDF Print E-mail

Youth at HEART Development have the development of healthy youths at heart. Though built on Christian principles, Youth@HEART aims to serve all people equally, irrespective of race, gender, culture or religion. The ‘HEART’ part of the name is also an acronym for what the organisation aims to achieve:


Health through Education, Arts, Recreation and Training


The implementation of the letters of HEART can be seen as follows:


 HealthWorking to create physical, mental, spiritual and social health for the youth
 EducationEducating young people and adults on youth-related issues through talks and seminars
 ArtsUsing the Arts as therapeutic medium and for cross-cultural relationship building programs 
 RecreationUsing fun, games, sports and outings as therapeutic medium and for cross-cultural relationships building programs
 TrainingProviding training in all above-mentioned aspects, including training to develop young people in leadership, counselling, inter-personal relationships, cross-cultural relationships and life skills. 



Mission Statement

"To make a difference to society, by developing and nurturing youths, and to ensure their spiritual, social, mental and physical health through preventative and supportive actions, as well as the management of their crises."



"It is our vision to help create a healthy lifestyle for young people"

White Noise and ADD/ADHD PDF Print E-mail

Easily Distracted? Turn up the White Noise


White noise is any gentle, steady, monotonous, peaceful sound like a fan humming or other background sounds that are calming and not stimulating. What are the benefits of white noise for those with ADD / ADHD? Research in Sweden has found that the presence of white noise appears to help distractible ADHD children concentrate and pay better attention while learning. A control group of children without ADHD performed better in silence without the extra background noise. Research in Sweden has found that the presence of white noise appears to help distractible ADHD children concentrate and pay better attention while learning. A control group of children without ADHD performed better in silence without the extra background noise. The report published in the October 2008 Psychological Review .

Parent Guide To Help Children With ADD-ADHD PDF Print E-mail

ADD/ADHD Parenting Tips

Helping Children with Attention Deficit Disorder

Parent Guide to help children with ADD-ADHDLife with a child with ADD/ADHD can be frustrating and overwhelming, but as a parent there is actually a lot you can do. The symptoms of ADD/ADHD can be controlled and reduced. You have the power to help your child meet his or her daily challenges and channel his or her energy into positive arenas—and at the same time bring greater calm and order to your family home.


Children with ADD/ADHD can and do succeed. The earlier and more consistently you address your child’s problems, the more likely their success.

Exam Pressure! PDF Print E-mail


When children are compared to each other!


When a person has the honour of leading a child through life, a few aspects that has to be kept in mind include:


Exam Stress PDF Print E-mail


How do you handle stress during exam time?


Create a pleasant atmosphere of understading and support.


Child Molesting PDF Print E-mail


What is our responsibility when we know a child is being molested?

What am I to do if I am molested?


In South Africa, 1 out of every 3 children are molested. 70%  of these children are molested by somebody they know, be it their father, mother, grand-father, grand-mother, teacher or even pastor!


Rehabilitation & Discipline PDF Print E-mail

In any rehabilitation, discipline is of the utmost importance. The drug-dependent is literary controlled by his/her body's craving for the substance and therefore it is necessary to help him in his/her process towards recovery. If it was left up to him/her, the craving for the substance would quickly get the upper hand, mainly due to the fact that he/she hasn't taught themselves to control it yet!



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